I absolutely love this beautiful family! I had the privilege to journey with them from their maternity shoot up to this photo session with 6 month old Louis!
I couldn’t believe my eyes that this once tiny newborn already weighs 10kgs! And he is absolutely delightful and not camera-shy at all! He made my job very easy!
Lizanne & Louis, thank you for allowing me this great honour! Looking forward to 1st birthday photo session!
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My eerste fotosessie saam met hierdie pragtige en prettige paartjie het plaas gevind in 2011, toe ek die voorreg gehad het om hulle verlowingafotos af te neem.... intussendtyd was daar ‘n troue... paar jaar later ‘n babyshower en nou.... die emosionele en verruklike voorreg om hulle wonderwerkie af te neem....
Mag Jordan julle lewens verryk op maniere wat julle nog nooit eers aan gedink het nie... mag hy ‘n vergrootglas wees op die Vaderhart vir julle....
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Oh my goodness…. such a beautiful family! And this little boy was so sweet and good… except if you wanted to put him in a basket! :-) He did not like that at all… so no basket shots! Judy & Yarik settled into their role as parents so smoothly as if they have been training for these roles for years. Yarik is such a hands-on dad and they really make a wonderful team! Christopher is in good hands!
Judy & Yarik… thank you for entrusting me with capturing your legacy!
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I met this beautiful couple in the midst of a heatwave in Gauteng at Farm Inn country hotel - you wouldn’t say so when you look at the photos! :-)
Judy & Yarik is a unique couple who conveys silent and beautiful messages in the way they look at each other… it was so heartwarming! I can not wait to meet their little boy!
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Franco Gideon Greyling, het sy verrassings-aankoms gemaak op 3 November 2018! Die pragtige seuntjie het so week vroeër gearriveer as wat sy mamma en pappa verwag het… maar nou ja, daar is so min verrassings in die lewe, dat hierdie ‘n baie welkom was!
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Jolandie en Francois is een van daardie paartjies wat jou net laat glimlag! Hulle is lief vir mekaar en dit straal behoorlik uit hulle uit. Hoe gelukkig gaan hierdie nuwe Geskenkie wees om verwelkom te word in ‘n huis waar sy pappa en mamma so lief is vir mekaar… een van die grootste geskenke wat enige ouerpaar vir hulle kind kan gee…
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Dit was 'n lieflike sonnige herfs-agtermiddag toe ek vir Loret en Gerhard ontmoet het vir hulle Beautiful Belly fotosessie. Wat 'n pragtige, prettige paartjie! Hulle gaan wonderlike ouers wees vir hulle prinsessie, Anke. Anke beteken "grace & favour" - hoe mooi! Mag haar lewe gekenmerk wees deur genade & guns!
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